the Digital Diet Workbook:
Printable & Fillable on your Device:
Diet Tracker, Food Journal,
Diet Guide & Coaching section.
- Stay on track daily logging your progress on the diet protocol with printable worksheets & weight loss charts.
- Have all the rules for the diet at your fingertips- the original protocol as well as often used modifications. Easy to read printable food list.
- Stay motivated (and sane) through the hefty coaching section.
- Buy just once but use the tracking pages over and over.
$49, yours to keep and use over and over the rest of your life.

Designed to be used
no matter which protocol you are following
Injections or Drops, Prescription or Homeopathic, 500 calories or don't matter. You can track with this.

I love it. It helps keep me honest especially when I have a hectic crazy life. I'm a nurse so I'm constantly stressed out, I'm constantly running around. The workbook keeps me honest when my patients give me ridiculous pastries & I have to stay on the plan because when you fail on this plan, it is really hard to get back on track.
Using the book everyday keeps me accountable for staying on track. It reminds me of my progress. I highly recommend buying it.
- Shana
You get 2 Versions of the Digital Workbook with your purchase:

Printable Version
Printable Diet worksheet pages:
- Daily food journal pages & stats tracking
- Weekly diet log for tracking overall weight loss, measurements & inch loss.

This version of the digital workbook can be read on your device and if you download a 3rd party app (like Adobe Acrobat Reader app- it's free) you can fill out the worksheet pages all on your phone or tablet!
Lemme Take You on a TOUR
Keep hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times during this tour, and please, no feeding of the workbooks.
I ordered your book & LOVE IT... It is so inspirational.
I grab my phone & read the digital version on Adobe instead of eating, while sipping some tea with stevia.
- Michelle

I used Rayzel’s workbook. It was so easy to use. I'm one of those people that will start something and then never really kind of follow through on it, but I stuck through it.
When I did get bored with the everyday thing, I was able to change it up and go to the quick glance part and I can see where I started and where I am. It was always really motivating to see how far I've come so quickly. I would totally order the book again.
- Sebrina
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Yours to use over and over forever!
I absolutely love it! I am absolutely certain it has been key in keeping me on track! I’m on day 28, and I actually look forward to each week because it’s all very organized and simplified!
Thank you for putting this together!
- Catherine
3 things the DIGITAL Workbook Allows You To Do...

Yours Foh-eva & eva
Buy it once and it will last you your entire journey, however many rounds you need to do.

Print it
Formatted to make it so that you can print any parts of the workbook you desire and hole punch to keep in a binder.

Fillable On Your Device
Designed to easily read on your device (tablet or phone) and fill in the tracking pages if you open the ebook in the free 3rd party app, Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Basically, it kept me motivated. If I had a question or when I was feeling out of focus or the big picture was overwhelming me, I would go back to the workbook and look back and I could actually see my progress and remember where I was.
Thank you. Thank you so much. I have already seen the online printable version and I’ve already gotten to use it and I love that I don’t have to buy it again.
- Melissa
Loved it kept me accountable and on track!
I found the calorie breakdown the most useful. It was nice not having to use a separate calorie counter. The book also gave plenty of space for me to track my food as well as my thoughts and motivate myself in writing. It was a much needed tool for the success of the program.
- Lakreshia
Quick Note: who even am I?
I lost purposefully threw away 50 lbs and have been maintaining my weight loss over 5 years now.
I was 172 lbs at 5'1" and a size 16/18. It was that point where my size 16's were too tight but I was like OH no I'm not buying one more stinkin' size up. But I didn't really know what I was going to do at that point. Finding this diet has changed my life. I finished losing my 50 lbs in October 2012 and I've been maintaining ever since.
During that time I've interacted with, quite literally, thousands of other ladies & gents through my blog and between their input and feedback, and my own experiences on the protocol, I've come to learn the types of things we ladies really need to succeed.

So... What's in the Workbook?
There's 6 main sections - some you read, some you write in.
Section #1 Guidance
We discuss things like staying sane, reality checks when deciding how to do the Diet protocol, what kind of weight loss to expect scientifically and why, stalls on the diet, what to do about cheating/failures, deciding on an ultimate goal, what to do when you don't feel ready, and tips on planning ahead.

Section #2 Detailed Diet Instructions
The original protocol as Dr. Simeons created it is all here, listed step by step + common successfully used modifications to the protocol. I've included instructions on what you can do prior to starting the diet as well as during the loading phase to improve your results, as well as principles to help guide you in Phase 3 and 4. I've taken great care to lay out the information in a visually appealing and easy to read way - I find for myself that I get lost when there's just tons of tiny text. This is not like that.

Section #3 Quick Glance Progress Tracking
This area is designed to be able to see your overall progress, at a glance, from week to week. Track your weight loss and inch loss. A trouble shooting log helps you- well troubleshoot! By writing it down and seeing what problems came up and what you tried to solve them - what worked and didn't work- and being able to see this all at a glance will help you during the rest of your round or future rounds when similar situations come up. This section really helps you see your overall progress- it can be all too easy to forget how far you've come on those days where you don't lose as much as you think you should have- seeing it all right there before you is a big deal and can really help you stay strong.

Section #4 Daily Tracking Area
Daily tracking area
This is where you will spend most of your time. Log everything you want + take notes. This helps you stay on track - living on this protocol a day at a time can feel really slow at times and it's also easy to forget something of note that may have effected how you felt the next day, or your losses, etc.- this helps you be able to look back and see these details and make connections.
Diet weight loss, sleep, supplements, dosage (injections or drops), injection location, food (quick check boxes), calories, water intake, and notes.

Section #5 Reflections/Notes
This is where you will spend most of your time. Log everything you want + take notes. This helps you stay on track - living on this protocol a day at a time can feel really slow at times and it's also easy to forget something of note that may have effected how you felt the next day, or your losses, etc.- this helps you be able to look back and see these details and make connections.

Section #6 Calorie Count Charts
For all the Phase 2 Diet protocol foods as well as off-protocol foods commonly used and it has the info for various serving sizes as well to make it easy for you. The point: some find this useful to know just what's going in their mouths. You do NOT have to use this, it's not necessary, it's just a tool some like so it's there for that reason.

Yeah but does the workbook REALLY help?
I'll let your fellow peeps speak to that.

I've lost 60 lbs. I've done it with this book - this has been my bible. I can't say enough good things about it. It has kept me motivated. I would forget things through the program, but I could go back and re-read things. I could keep all my tracking in one place. I could look at the week before and see if there was a change and what I did wrong.
I couldn't have done it without this workbook. Thank you so much for it.
- Sandi
Love it! I’m big on writing down everything. Also, when I feel snacky, I grab the book & start reading & writing.
- Kristen

Has made a huge difference!
Love my journaling! I add pics, inspirational quotes & recipes! Thank you for such a great tool!
- @hcglifecoach
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Yours to use over and over forever!

I used it beginning in P2 and really liked it. I have to tell you, it requires you to be honest because that's the way it's gonna work best. Just be honest with yourself and with your portions and take care of all that business before you eat. That way you can go back and look at the workbook and see what worked and didn't work.
I'm glad I invested in it. It's a great tool and I advise everybody that I coach to get one. Thanks so much for doing it.
- Monique
I have been loving the phase 2 workbook!
It’s really helped me know where I should be measuring weekly and I love that I have all of my information in one place! The tips in the corner are also really helpful to stay motivated and give me recipe ideas for phase 2 and 3!
- Jenna
I love the workbook.
I've been using it to track my progress, problem solve stalls and just keep my motivation going. This is the fourth time I've done hcg over the years, but the first time I've used tools to be successful. I'm in the middle of a 6 week round, just started week 4 and I've lost 17 pounds so far. I'm super happy!
- Katie
Once again, the goods:
- Track daily - weight, sleep, food, dosage, water intake, food, calories, supplements, notations
- Track weekly - weight, inch loss
- Trouble shooting log
- Comprehensive coaching section
- Detailed instructions for the protocol - preloading, loading, phase 2
- Reflections and Notes Area
- Calorie count charts - for multiple serving sizes of protocol foods + several commonly used off protocol foods
- Printable from your home computer
- Fillable on your device with the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader app
- Reuse as many times as you need!

Your Ebooks will be available for instant download after payment.
Yours to use over and over forever!
That workbook is a lifesaver!
It has been my bible for the last 3 weeks; I use the page for adding my measurements, the daily pages keep me on track so I can detect any trends, and the daily weight loss log gives me the ability to see my progress quickly.
- Rose G
You are a life-saver!!! What I love most about the workbook is the first 2 sections. You've made it so easy to find the answers to any question I've had in my 1st round, therefore you've helped me succeed! You make this process a breeze, from the videos to the amazing workbook and I am now a P3 to lifer!!!
- Heather

1. It helped me get it together since I am so busy and keep me focused.
2. I appreciated all of the hints and coaching. They helped me a lot too
3. Having the ability to track and keep it all in one place was very useful.
4. I like that I can print and use again!
- Debbie
You got some Q's? Well, I got some A's
Your Ebooks will be available for instant download after payment.
Yours to use over and over forever!
I actually have the physical and digital workbook. When you came out with the digital version I was starting R2P2. I absolutely loooooooove the workbook in the digital form. It kept me on track during P2.
- KD
The workbook is working out great!
It lets me keep track in a much more organized way than my old notebook. I can refer back to any section when needed.
- Melissa
I absolutely love the Workbook for many reasons.
The first for tracking purposes and also for your great encouragement on the protocol. Also, it will be very helpful if and I hope not, future rounds. This was round 3 for me and I did not keep a journal per se of my of my previous rounds. So I had nothing to look back on as far as foods that helped or hindered my stabilizing. Loved reading the Guidance for Success, Tips, and so forth. I've been reading the Phase 3 Rules, even if I have to read them over and over again, I have them.
- Karen
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I'm feeling energized and hopeful. Shoutout for the awesome printable food journal and for all the info I needed to get started.
- @merebarron

P1, more on your first day of preparation. For a list of approved makeup follow her, she also has a killer book that I highly recommend.
- vegan_hcg_2.0
The workbook is working fantastically, having both the online version as well as the printed version. I use the printed one for ready reference, and I’ve learned so much from you and the workbook.
- Lisa
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Yours to use over and over forever!
Your P2 workbook is awesome. I'm the type that needs structure and I love the forms. I also did a lot of reading from your research and it gave me helpful hints so I was able to continue successfully. I would recommend subscribers to print it out and it's in a 3-ring folder I had at home.
Thank you again. I don't feel I would have been as successful of 40 days on HCG without your assistance.
- Pamela
I have to tell you my recent (like over the weekend right up to this AM) melt down. I ordered months ago, and relied on your Rayzel's Diet Workbook for my double first round of HCG that ended around the first of the New Year. With (you, it felt like you were there with me) your workbook I worked thru each hurdle and was finally -40 lbs successful and with relatively low stress. However, I'm just starting up my second HCG push and for the life of me I could not locate where I download the file you sent me. I was amazed how panicked I became when I couldn't find my workbook bible on my IPad. I realized how much I appreciated how much your product helped me get thru the rough spots. This morning, I finally tracked down the online copy payment receipt to you and bless you there was the link and I was able to reload the version to my iPad. I'm calm again and ready to go into my next (harder) weight loss goals. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate all your work to create a wonderful workbook that is irreplaceable support in my journey. I know any transition to exercise and diet systems you investigate and ultimately create will be done with the highest level of integrity and well researched and supported.I have to share my one product that made my first journey so easy to transition because nothing is as important as my first creamy cup of coffee every morning. This is the best creamer product because you can use a good Doolup and still be within the diet goals. It made all the difference for me.
- Lottie
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